Qonzilqointec: Vampire Princess of the Aztecs

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Massacre At Sea

The US Coast Guard ship Charleston pulled up aside what appeared to be an abandoned vessel- the US Coast Guard ship Penzance.

"When was the last radio call received from her?" Lt. Cahill asked.

"Less than a hour ago," the radio dispatcher replied, "the last report was she had spotted a suspicious ship and was tempting to board her. Then she reported the ship just vanished."

Lt. Cahill boarded Penzance and began searching.

To his horror in every room, he found people with their throats slashed from ear to ear and all their intestines disembowelled.

"What the Hell happened here?" Lt. Cahill asked.

The door opened suddenly and in stepped the crocodile headed serpent tongued pirate Captain Cobra with a chainsaw for a hook of an arm.

"Drop the what," Captain Cobra smiled, "Hell happened here."

And with that the Cobra captain slashed Lt. Cahill's throat.

To be continued.


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