Hugo Chavez Moves Beyond The Pale
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez had poured himself a glass of French champagne.
The leader of the Bolivarian Socialist Movement and champion of the poor felt that he deserved it.
Just because one was a champion of the poor doesn't mean one couldn't have champagne tastes.
And Hugo Chavez was celebrating.
Yesterday at midnight, RCTV in Caracas which was Venezuela's oldest TV network went off the air.
Radio Caracas Television was also the sole remaining opposition broadcast media- one not controlled by the state (the state which was now controlled by Hugo Chavez). After his re-election in December of last year, the Venezuelan Assembly had voted Chavez the power to rule by decree.
Like Hitler after the Reichstag had granted him similar powers, Chavez was on his way to becoming a total dictator.
And the opposition RCTV was now no more.
As Lev Tomi the Secretary-General of the UN Secretariat on the Environment and Climate Change (really the vampire Leon Trotsky who had been turned into a vampire by Princess Qonzilqointec in Mexico City back in 1940) watched Chavez raise a glass as pro-RCTV demonstrators were chased by police, Tomi could not help but think that "Chavez has become another Stalin."
Not that Lev Tomi (aka Leon Trotsky) was as pure as the driven snow.
For if Lev Tomi ever one day became head of a global government- a One World Order that would be a New World Order known as the U.S.S.R.G.P. (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of Gaia the Planet), he Trotsky would become another Stalin. A Stalin on a global scale.
As the Aztec vampire princess Qonzilqointec watched the news in Mexico City, she too drank champagne. Dressed in her gold evening dress, she sat in a velvet chair and watched on CNN the closing of RCTV in Caracas.
For Hugo Chavez's Bolivarian Socialist Revolution was part of her plan.
A part of her plan to bring all the governments of the world under the rule of her father Quetzalcoatl in 2012.
In London, England, Dracul Van Helsing sat reading an article on the Net in which someone calling himself the Maitreya had written that Chavez's socialist revolution was a necessary prelude to the coming Age of Peace and Justice which the Maitreya was promising.
"That's the same Maitreya who's that shape-shifting golden serpent we've seen driving around in Set's limousine," Hyung Grace Kwan dressed in a red dress and sitting beside him asked as she ran her fingers through his hair.
"That's the one," Dracul nodded.
Hugo Chavez, Lev Tomi, the Aztec vampire princess Qonzilqointec, the billionaire ancient Egyptian vampire Set and the Maitreya- the true Axis of Evil in the world.
In Mexico City, Qonzilqointec sipped champagne.
In London, Dracul sipped ginseng tea.
RCTV Employees in Caracas cry after the channel is pulled off the air.
The leader of the Bolivarian Socialist Movement and champion of the poor felt that he deserved it.
Just because one was a champion of the poor doesn't mean one couldn't have champagne tastes.
And Hugo Chavez was celebrating.
Yesterday at midnight, RCTV in Caracas which was Venezuela's oldest TV network went off the air.
Radio Caracas Television was also the sole remaining opposition broadcast media- one not controlled by the state (the state which was now controlled by Hugo Chavez). After his re-election in December of last year, the Venezuelan Assembly had voted Chavez the power to rule by decree.
Like Hitler after the Reichstag had granted him similar powers, Chavez was on his way to becoming a total dictator.
And the opposition RCTV was now no more.
As Lev Tomi the Secretary-General of the UN Secretariat on the Environment and Climate Change (really the vampire Leon Trotsky who had been turned into a vampire by Princess Qonzilqointec in Mexico City back in 1940) watched Chavez raise a glass as pro-RCTV demonstrators were chased by police, Tomi could not help but think that "Chavez has become another Stalin."
Not that Lev Tomi (aka Leon Trotsky) was as pure as the driven snow.
For if Lev Tomi ever one day became head of a global government- a One World Order that would be a New World Order known as the U.S.S.R.G.P. (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of Gaia the Planet), he Trotsky would become another Stalin. A Stalin on a global scale.
As the Aztec vampire princess Qonzilqointec watched the news in Mexico City, she too drank champagne. Dressed in her gold evening dress, she sat in a velvet chair and watched on CNN the closing of RCTV in Caracas.
For Hugo Chavez's Bolivarian Socialist Revolution was part of her plan.
A part of her plan to bring all the governments of the world under the rule of her father Quetzalcoatl in 2012.
In London, England, Dracul Van Helsing sat reading an article on the Net in which someone calling himself the Maitreya had written that Chavez's socialist revolution was a necessary prelude to the coming Age of Peace and Justice which the Maitreya was promising.
"That's the same Maitreya who's that shape-shifting golden serpent we've seen driving around in Set's limousine," Hyung Grace Kwan dressed in a red dress and sitting beside him asked as she ran her fingers through his hair.
"That's the one," Dracul nodded.
Hugo Chavez, Lev Tomi, the Aztec vampire princess Qonzilqointec, the billionaire ancient Egyptian vampire Set and the Maitreya- the true Axis of Evil in the world.
In Mexico City, Qonzilqointec sipped champagne.
In London, Dracul sipped ginseng tea.
RCTV Employees in Caracas cry after the channel is pulled off the air.